The word doping is probably derived from the Dutch word dop, the name of an alcoholic beverage made of grape skins used by Zulu warriors in order to enhance their prowess in battle. The term became current around the turn of the 20th century, originally referring to illegal drugging of racehorses. The practice of enhancing performance through foreign substances or other artificial means, however, is as old as competitive sport itself.
Doping is the word used in sport when athletes use prohibited substances or methods to unfairly improve their sporting performance.
Principles and values of clean baseball and softball
As you can see in the section Education Tools, the WBSC Integrity Unit has developed the Education Plan 2021-2024 “Play-Ball, Play-Fair”, in compliance with the WADA International Standard for Education (ISE).
The relevance of values within the context of anti-doping education for baseball and softball stakeholders is emphasised in the plan and in particular in the chapter 1.1 “WBSC vision, mission and macro-objectives of the education plan”.
The values of the WBSC Integrity Unit in the sensitisation about anti-doping are: sense of sacrifice, respect for himself and the opponent and fairness.
You can find more information in the Education Plan of the WBSC Integrity Unit.
The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind. It is the essence of the Olympism and is reflected in the sports values:
- Health;
- Ethics, fair play and honesty;
- Athletes’ rights;
- Excellence in performance;
- Character and Education;
- Fun and joy;
- Teamwork;
- Dedication and commitment;
- Respect for rules and laws;
- Respect for self and other participants;
- Courage;
- Community and solidarity.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) values are excellence, friendship and respect and those promoted by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are respect, integrity, fairness, collaboration and excellence.
For detailed up to date information on Anti-doping please visit the Anti-Doping section.